Café Coffee Day

About Cafe Coffee Day Program


Café Coffee Day proprogram with Cafe Coffee Day where we enroll trainees for a one year hospitality management program. During this one year period, they go through 3 months residential training in Jatni campus followed by 9 months on-the-job training in Cafe Coffee Day outlets across India, preferably in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Mumbai.

The training is done in 2 phases:

Phase I: 3 months fully residential program in Bhubaneswar, where the trainees are taught on Coffee Making, Customer Service, Food and Beverage, English Communication, Basic IT and POS(software training), Life skills and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of Café Coffee Day..

Phase II: On successful completion of the training they are certified and deployed in various CCD outlets for their 9 months internship & On-The-Job training. They are also eligible to sit for an online test after 6 months of their OJT. On clearing this online test they are eligible to become Managers within the next 6 months.

Advance Diploma in Hospitality Management is awarded by Centurion University, NSDC & Gram Tarang after successful completion of 12 months of the course. The interested trainees can enroll for Work Integrated BBA in Hospitality and Retail Management from Centurion University while working with CCD which they can complete in another 2 years after successful completion of the first year. For this the trainees must be 12th pass and the cost of the program will be initially borne by the trainees which can be reimbursed partly by the company (CCD) after successful completion of the course, provided the trainee continues working for CCD.

Contact Us

Name of the Organization: GramTarang Employability Training Services Pvt. Ltd
For Odisha: Tapan Ku. Pradhan
Mob: 9861633500
For Assam & North East: Munu Pathak
Mob: 8486801609
For Other Details: Mob: 9556573838

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